Linguistic Gems from the Qur’an, Day Twenty-Three: Charity

The Qur’an is a rich source of guidance and wisdom, and one way to uncover its deeper meanings is by examining the linguistic roots of the words it contains. 


Allah says in Surah Tawbah verse 103,


خُذْ مِنْ أَمْوَٰلِهِمْ صَدَقَةًۭ تُطَهِّرُهُمْ وَتُزَكِّيهِم بِهَا وَصَلِّ عَلَيْهِمْ ۖ

Take, [O Muḥammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase, and invoke [Allāh’s blessings] upon them


And He says in in al-Shu’araa verse 101,


وَلَا صَدِيقٍ حَمِيمٍۢ

And not a devoted friend.


Both the words صَدَقَةًۭ sadaqah (charity) and صَدِيقٍ sadeeq (friend) share the root ص د ق, which denotes truthfulness. A friend is called sadeeq because they are expected to be truthful, sincere, and supportive towards their companion in love, counsel, and brotherhood. 


Sadaqah, on the other hand, refers to giving with the intention of seeking Allah’s reward. The sincerity and truthfulness of one’s intentions are crucial in ensuring that the act of giving is not tainted by ulterior motives such as showing off or seeking praise.


The shared etymology of the words charity (sadaqah) and friend (sadeeq) highlights the significance of truthfulness in both friendship and charitable acts. 


A true friend should exhibit sincerity and honesty, while a genuine act of charity should be motivated by the desire to please Allah and not by self-serving purposes. 


This linguistic connection serves as a powerful reminder of the qualities we should strive to embody in our relationships and actions as Muslims.


And Allah knows best.

2 thoughts on “Linguistic Gems from the Qur’an, Day Twenty-Three: Charity”

  1. Amazing. Very thought provoking and makes you ponder, everyone should be able to read and understand the Quran. How can you be oblivious to this

    May Allah reward those involved with mountains of khair and Also make people sincerely benefit, and benefit others from this.

    1. May Allah allow everyone to understand His Words in the way He revealed them – Ameen!

      Jazakumullah khayran, and Ameen to the duas

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